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You're in the Right Place (1:36)
IMPORTANT: How To Use This Course
For Adopters of New Rescue Dogs:
Get To Know Your Dog
Week 1: Overview
Day 1: Development and Socialization (9:43)
Day 2: Management and Prevention (12:12)
Day 3: Essential Enrichment (7:21)
Day 4: Understanding your Dog (11:56)
Day 5: Helping your Dog Understand YOU (12:48)
Day 6: The Power of YES (8:46)
Day 7: How Your Dog Sees the World (8:08)
Be Your Dog's Best Teacher
Week 2: Overview
Day 8: Strengthening Skills (7:36)
Day 9: Dealing with Problems (9:56)
Day 10: The Relaxation Station (6:34)
Day 11: Impulse Control - "wait" (5:37)
Day 12: Impulse Control - "leave it" (5:44)
Day 13: Impulse Control - "drop it" (6:36)
Day 14: Recall (6:43)
Success for the Lifespan!
Week 3: Overview
Day 15: Confidence Through Agency (5:04)
Day 16: Body Handling (3:41)
Day 17: Consent 101 (7:28)
Day 18: Nail Clippers & Beyond (4:06)
Day 19: Happy Muzzling (2:38)
Day 20: Targeting (1:28)
Day 21: Back it up! (3:35)
Delight in Your Dog
Week 4: Overview
Day 22: Search! The Sniff Game (1:33)
Day 23: Middle (1:04)
Day 25: Spin (0:35)
Day 24: High Five (1:16)
Congratulations, YOU DID IT!
Moving Forward In Your Harmonious Relationship
Teach online with
Day 12: Impulse Control - "leave it"
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